
Tuesday 8 November 2011

9 Frame Analysis

The man in this scene looks isolated as he is sitting in the corner of an empty room at a desk. The room is very plain and the colours are very dull. There is nothing else and no one else in the room which makes it seem mysterious. He looks as if he is getting on with some sort of work. This could suggest he is a business man, but the background leaves you wondering as to where he is and why he is there. The fact he is getting on with the work suggests that he is a hard worker, clever and educated. He seems like he is hiding away from the outside world, almost as if it is secret. The fact he is on his own in a room like this means that he likes to work in a quiet place in peace without any noise or distractions.

In this image, you get a clearer view of the characters body language, costume and movement as it is an extreme long shot. The man is dressed in a navy blue suit, this suggests he is smart and could be from an upper class background. The colour of his suit matches part of the colour of the wall. This shows that they could have something in common with one another. The suit also makes you think that he is a businessman. He is holding a flask in his hand which implies he might be going to re fill it or the fact he is leaving his desk suggest he is going for a break.
 In this picture the character is exiting some sort of garage. This is a deserted place and it seems as if he had locked himself away from the outside world. It looks very dark outside, so it could be late evening or early in the morning. The scene has changed from a lighted room to a dark garage type place. Once he opens the shutter door, we get an idea of where his "work" is situated. The place seems to be in the middle of no where. This leaves the audience wondering what is he doing in a place like this for a job if he is smartly dressed.

As he exits the garage he looks into the distance. This communicates he is waiting for someone or something to happen. The image is a deep shot and it allows the audience to see what is in the surroundings of where he is. There are a number of cars parked in line with each other, which shows it is a car park. The character has his back to us this leaves us questioning what his facial expressions look like. He is standing still and upright, this suggests he is patiently waiting. The image is a medium close up and no one is seen in the image but him. The place seems very quiet and desolate, this could put the audience on edge.

In the distance of this image you can see the headlights of several cars. The scene is very dark which leaves the audience focusing on these cars. The pink bits in the sky demonstrate that it is early in the morning. The cars become closer and closer to the camera and this attracts the audiences attention and makes them question what is going to happen next. The car on the right appears to be travelling faster than the other cars. This symbolises that something bad might happen to it.

The person driving the car does not seem to of seen the parked car on the left hand side of it. The driver loses control as he crashes into it. The car tumbles upside down several times along the road. This is an important moment of the opening sequence as the action code sets the narrative of the film. The character could of been tired as it is early hours of the morning or he/she could of lost focus which has now caused this disaster.

 In this clip a van pulls up and a man opens the side door. He puts a piano to the side of the van, he leaves it there and they drive off. This happens very quickly which shows they were in a rush. The piano could symbolise something dangerous. The scene is quite dark which makes it mysterious. The audience does not see the characters face, which also makes it mysterious. The clip leaves you questioning what is going to happen next, as this was a very random moment in the beginning sequence. It shows that this instrument could play an important part in the film.

The camera zooms in on this piano which has been left on the side of the road. The focus is left on this instrument and it leaves the audience confused and wondering. There is a hollow sound of wind blowing in the background which creates an eerie type atmosphere. The scene becomes very tense at this point.

The character is shocked and stunned as to what he has just witnessed. His facial expressions demonstrate this. When the car tumbled over, he took a step back. This implies he is taken back by what he has just seen. It could also show his confused state of mind, as he can not believe what has happened. It shows his reaction of seeing a serious accident. He securely holds his flask in his hand with fear.

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