
Monday 17 September 2012

Identifying Objectives

1.) In what ways will your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our media product will challenge the forms and conventions of real media products as the band will not be shown in the video. Therefore, there will be no continuous miming from the band. However, the main character will mime some parts of the song, for example the chrous.The video will draw from conventions of both short film and music videos and will also show some sort of a storyline. We will use the forms and conventions of real media products as typical camera shots will be used in our music video such as close ups and long shots. The character in the video will also be wearing black and have dark hair which are forms and convention of rock/metal music videos.

 2.) How will you ensure that the combination of your main product and ancillary texts are effective? By matching the style and image of the ancillary product with the music video and the artists existing material. For example, the main character in our music video is featured on the front of the Album Cover. We will make the main product and ancillary texts effective by getting audience feedback on our ideas and showing them our storyboard.

 3.) What kinds of audience feedback will you seek for your product and what things might you learn from this?
We will seek feedback from people in our Sixth Form as our target audience is of this age. We will find out if our idea is good and if they think it will be successful. From getting this feedback we can learn lots of things for example, their thoughts and how we can improve in certain areas.

 4.) How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
We used the internet to research forms and conventions of music videos which are similar to our genre. We also watched music videos created by other Media students on Youtube to form different ideas for our own video and to think about the technical skills that are required to create one. We are going to digitally create our evaluation by using a video camera to film us talking about our finished product and the good things about it and the things we could of improved.

1 comment:

  1. www a start to this process, there is some clarity and that is excellent.

    ebi more detail and look at the potential pitfall of your approach - if you don't have the band or people miming even if they are not the real band members are you missing an opportunity to show technical skill? How will you ensure that the products tie in closely with the ideology of the band.
