
Wednesday 14 September 2011

Media assignment :How is media vital in modern life?

Wednesday 14th September

Understanding the media is vital to modern life as it is the main way of communicating in today's society. The media is all around us and it is an essential part of our modern-day lives. Everyday we are exposed to some sort of media, whether it is listening to the radio, reading a magazine or using the internet.

In today's society there is lots of new technology and the amount will keep on increasing, whereas hundreds of years ago the amount was quite minimal. New technology in hospitals and doctors have benefited lots of people. For example, young teenage girls can receive three injections to protect them from cervical cancer. As the world of media is increasing people are becoming more reliant and dependent on it, using sites to check what their friends are up to and using newspapers to check out what time television programmes are on at. People are also relying on the internet to purchase food and clothes instead of going out shopping for them.

The media's duty is to inform and persuade people, it informs you about recent news and it persuades you to buy certain products. As well as giving out facts, the media also provides people with entertainment, such as networking sites. These sites include Facebook, Twitter and Dating Agencies. They allow people to interact with one another and socialise with a range of people. The internet also gives you the chance to meet new people from around the world and allows you to contact distant family and friends. Recent studies in America have shown that 1 out of 8 couples in the US last year met via social media. Media is one of the most influential things in today's society. For example, young girls who read magazines are sometimes influenced by the latest fashion the magazine covers.

The media helps us in many different ways, for example, the news on the television updates us with important things such as weather warnings and also vital events going on. Secondary sources on the internet, such as Google and Ask Jeeves can also help people with things like homework and research. The internet, television and newspapers are simple sources to use as you can find things a lot easier and quicker. However, using books used to be the common way to find out information before technology took over.

The media has done very well for businesses as it has advertised things on the television and in newspapers. It has also helped singers promote albums for people to buy on the radio and on billboards. The company Apple have made millions by creating I tunes and Sony have done the same by making Xbox 360. Not understanding how to use the media could affect your future job opportunities, for example, if you wanted to go into business.

Where would I be without the media? Without the media I would not have my blackberry phone, computer or television. Things would not seem the same without these, I would be bored and not have the entertainment which I am used to.

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