
Monday 19 September 2011

Three Colours Blue Analysis

The film starts with a black background and then a diegetic sound of a car travelling appears. A low shot from behind a wheel of a car is then seen. The background behind this implies that it is evening time as it is quite dark. Aural sounds of cars beeping are heard as well as the noise of strong winds. The wind makes it very eerie and creates a cold atmosphere. It is very hollow and it creates a suspense. A hand holding a piece of foil out of a car window is then visible. It blows in the wind as the car is travelling at a fast pace. The piece of foil could connote the person is trying to get rid of something out of their life. The fact it is blowing in the wind could suggest its freedom.

The next visual image is of a young girl looking out of the back windscreen of a car. She looks at the headlights of other cars that are behind. Her eyes look like they are full of tears. This communicates she is upset about something. The fact she has got her back to the two seats in front communicates she is hiding her emotions away from them. The young girl gets out of the car and runs through the grass, leaving the car door open. A man then gets out of the drivers side of the car and stretches. The background communicates that it is early morning, therefore suggests the family have been driving all night. The fact the man stretches also demonstrates they have been driving a long time and that he is tired.

A strong close up image of a oil leak from the engine is then seen and a short focus is on the drips. The image is a foreshadow of what happens next. It is a narrative shot which suggests something terrible is going to happen. The dripping could symbolise that time is running out. A verbal sound of a woman's voice gives us information about the little girls name as she calls her "Anna". This implies the woman is the girls mother.

Aural sounds of a car door shutting is then heard, followed by the diegetic sound of the engine starting. This leaves us on edge as we know something bad is going to happen due to the oil leak. The sound of knocking wood together follows this. This sounds the same as the oil hitting the floor. Therefore, there is a connection between the toy and the oil dripping. We then see a boy playing with the toy which is made out of wood. Headlights appear amongst deep fog and the car goes past. Aural sounds of the brakes of the car is heard followed by the sound of it hitting something. Loud screams come from the car and smoke appears from the bonnet. It had come off the road and hit a tree. A beach ball rolls from the opened back door along the floor. The beach ball suggests the family were going to the seaside or going on holiday. The boy picks up his green skateboard and non diegetic sounds of him running are heard. He runs towards the car and the scene blacks out.

1 comment:

  1. www a good level of detail in your analysis, some use of media terminology, some connotations made from the description and meaning exposed

    ebi more terminology used more confidently throughout.
