
Monday 1 October 2012


How do the dominant representations of teenagers reflect their collective identity?

All teenagers have their own identity, however, in the media they are all represented the same. This influences the audiences views and opinions on teenagers which are mainly negative and stereotypical. In this essay I will be discussing how Radio represents teenagers and how it reflects there identity.

There are specific radio stations which target teenagers through the choice of music played. For example, Kiss 100 fm plays up to date RnB, Hip Pop and Dance music.  The lyrics in some of the songs include explicit words and phrases for example, Nicki Minajs songs. This language represents teenagers as many teenagers use this type of language in todays society, words such as "hoe". This reflects their collective identity, however not all youths use such language. Sometimes it depends on what area a person lives in, who they hang around with and how they have been brought up.

Kiss 100 Fm also advertise things such as itunes festival tickets which relates to a teenage audience. They advertise things like this to capture a teenage audience. After 9pm on some evenings Rap songs are played aswell as Dub step. This represents teenagers as most tenenagers listen and create Rap music in todays society. This is sometimes frowned upon by older people and seen negatively as most of the lyrics consist of "sex, violence and crime". This reflects their collective identity, however not all Rap songs include explicit, vile words. Some Rap songs are about families, memories and good things but on the other hand some have led to people losing their lives as they have written rudely about someone.

Radio stations such as Classic fm and BBC Radio 4 play music which cater for other audiences. Therefore these radio stations do not represent teenagers as the music they play is not aimed at them. Classic FM play more calm and chilled out music which teenagers would find boring and not something they would choose to listen to. The language used on these channels is more formal compared to the language sometimes used on Radio 1 where they'd speak more informally,  including slang words.

In conclusion, other types of media for example; Films, the Web and Television programmes mostly represent teenagers in a negative way too. There are only a few cases in which teenagers are viewed and seen in a positive way. Programmes such as Glee represent teenagers in a good way as they all attend school and it shows diversity as there are a range of characters with different personalities.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

How do the dominant representations of Teenagers reflect their collective identity?

Teenage Radio  - Kiss 100
Capital FM
Radio 1

Adult Radio- Classic FM
BBC radio 4

The songs played on Kiss 100 target a teenage audience. The lyrics in some of them include explicit words and phrases for example, Nicki Minajs songs. This language represents teenagers as many teenagers use this type of language in todays society, words such as "hoe". Whereas, radio stations such as BBC Radio 4 does not represent teenagers at all as the music played is not aimed at them.

Kiss 100 Fm also advertise things such as itunes festival tickets which relates to a teenage audience. After 9pm on some evenings Rap songs are played. This represents teenagers as most tenenagers listen and create this style of music in todays society. This is sometimes frowned upon and seen negatively as most of the lyrics consist of "sex, violence and crime".

Classic FM play more calm and chilled out music which teenagers would find boring and not something they would choose to listen to. The language used on this channel is more formal compared to the language sometimes used on Radio 1 where they speak more formally including slang words.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

William Controls music videos with analysis

Build up to the song- it gradually gets louder after 26 seconds. The cuts become faster as the music gets louder.

Monday 17 September 2012

Identifying Objectives

1.) In what ways will your media product use,develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Our media product will challenge the forms and conventions of real media products as the band will not be shown in the video. Therefore, there will be no continuous miming from the band. However, the main character will mime some parts of the song, for example the chrous.The video will draw from conventions of both short film and music videos and will also show some sort of a storyline. We will use the forms and conventions of real media products as typical camera shots will be used in our music video such as close ups and long shots. The character in the video will also be wearing black and have dark hair which are forms and convention of rock/metal music videos.

 2.) How will you ensure that the combination of your main product and ancillary texts are effective? By matching the style and image of the ancillary product with the music video and the artists existing material. For example, the main character in our music video is featured on the front of the Album Cover. We will make the main product and ancillary texts effective by getting audience feedback on our ideas and showing them our storyboard.

 3.) What kinds of audience feedback will you seek for your product and what things might you learn from this?
We will seek feedback from people in our Sixth Form as our target audience is of this age. We will find out if our idea is good and if they think it will be successful. From getting this feedback we can learn lots of things for example, their thoughts and how we can improve in certain areas.

 4.) How will you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
We used the internet to research forms and conventions of music videos which are similar to our genre. We also watched music videos created by other Media students on Youtube to form different ideas for our own video and to think about the technical skills that are required to create one. We are going to digitally create our evaluation by using a video camera to film us talking about our finished product and the good things about it and the things we could of improved.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Ancillary products

The two products I want to create as well as my music video;
  • a website homepage for the band
  • a cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package)
Examples of these products below for rock/metal bands:

The Killers homepage 

Guns and Roses homepage

Evanescence's homepage

William Control's homepage

The Killers album cover

Guns and Roses album cover

Evanescence's album cover

William Control's album cover

Mood board

I used the images above as they fit with the genre of song I want to create a music video to. Some of the  images are quite gruesome and scary as one of the characters has skin pealing from their face and another two have blood on their hands. They all have a dark feel to them and give an intense feeling to the audience. The cobwebs give a spooky feel to the mood board and the razor gives it a sense of danger. All of these aspects will be shown and felt by the audience throughout the music video.

Friday 6 July 2012

Treatment-Music video idea

I want to create a music video to a rock song which will include a number of visual aspects. I have a number of ideas to use and these will be discussed below.
I want to use cobwebs to make it look eerie and spooky. The main character will then come through this and have artificial/heavy make up on which the camera will be focused on. The make up will include dark eye shadow, a pale powered face and red or purple lip stick. Their hair will either be black or of a grey colour.

The video will show that the person does not live a normal life and sees the world differently from everybody else. This will be shown through the things she does such as peeling her face. I will use special make up on her face for this to look real and believable. This will attract the audiences attention and keep them engaged.

I want the camera to act like another character following her, the pace and editing will gradually get faster as if the person is going crazy and having a mental breakdown. Her journey will either be through London, on a train or bus.

Next the girl would walk along the road shaving the side of head and then draw things all up her arm. At some point she may write certain lyrics of the song onto a piece of paper or on herself.

When it gets to the climax of the video plates, cups and a variety of things will get smashed to represent her completely breaking down. The girl will then throw a bunch of clothes onto the floor, if I get permission from a shop it will take place there if not the video will have to switch to her bedroom or outside somewhere. She will then lay on the clothes and from the girls point of view, I will edit the surroundings as if it everything is spinning around her. This will demonstrate that her mind is losing control.

At some point in the video I want to use fake blood but I am not sure yet where to use it and whether it would fit in with the story and what happens to the character during the video.
I also want to use bubble wrap in some way and maybe flick paint towards the camera but have some sort of glass in front of the camera. This would be effective and show the girls anger.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Favourite Music Videos

Rude Boy Music Video 

Reasons why I like this video:
  • The colours are very vibrant, eye catching and bright- attractive.
  • The colours chosen are representative of the Jamaican flag 
  • The movement of the video goes with the beat of the song
  • The choices of imagery goes well with the choice of the song
  • I like the make up and costume choices as it connects with the theme of the song and the background colours and images. 
  • The costumes are very stylish and modern
  • Some of the lyrics of the song appear in the video which help to tie in the audio aspects with the visual aspects
  • The dancing fits with the beat of the song and makes you want to join in
  • I also like this type of music because of its fast up tempo beat

Mr Brightside Music Video

Reasons why I like this video:
  • The music video is very theatrical and this holds the audiences interest and attention
  • The make up and costume links with the genre of the song. Most of the people in the video have pale make up on which makes their eyes and costume stand out.
  • The video is set out and staged like a drama performance-everything has its own position 
  • The odd choice of props makes the video look more surreal- for example the birds in the sky
  • The main colour used in the video is red- this has a warm tone
  • Most of costumes worn by the people in the video are very extreme 
  • The movement of the video goes with the beat of the song-very fast and jump cuts

Drunk Music Video

Reasons why I like this video:
  • The theme of the music video is approriate to the song-him drinking alcohol
  • The cat in the video is comedic but also has a serious message
  • The video is mostly set in a pub which links to the song-appropriate and relevant
  • The subtext helps the narrative and helps to tell story

Monday 18 June 2012

My preferred topics

I would prefer to make a music video because it is something completely different to what we have done; making an opening to a film. It sounds interesting to create and they are very familiar to me as I always watch music videos on Youtube or on Music Channels.
             My second choice would be a short film because there are a number of themes and genres that we could explore and think about using. I also think that making a short film can be quite successful. We can also develop our skills and knowledge from last year to create a more professional type film.
            The research necessary to create a music video or a short film would be to look at previous A2 media study students work and to think about if I could create the same and if not better outcome. I need to consider what makes a good music video or short film and whilst watching some examples think about what I like and dislike. The message and lyrics of the song chosen must fit with the video and the targeted audience must be thought about carefully throughout. To create a short film myself and my group must think of a particular genre and theme and what message and meaning we want to send across to a certain type of audience. For both of these we need to use the technical skills we learnt from last year and develop these when it comes to editing and making either of the two. For example, using garageband and I-movie to edit the sound and I will need to be able to lip sync the lyrics of the song to the music in the background perfectly to create an effective music video. We also need to opeate the camera with more accuracy and make the final product more smooth
               Out of the 6 case studies I prefer Media and Collective Identity and We Media' and Democracy.

Friday 23 March 2012

Scrap book for the film Hot fuzz

Production company has a website:

Target audience for the film: Mainly men of the age of 17- 30. Fans of comedy films, action films and Shaun of the dead.

Facebook would be an effective way of marketing this film as the target audience for it uses this social network site quite often.

Friday 16 March 2012

New Media Technology

3 examples of new media technology my group used during our pre production process:

* Blackberry phone to broadcast a message to people to ask them to take part in our film. 
*I also used the computer and social networking sites, for example Facebook to contact them. I also used the computer to research background information into the genre. I finally used Youtube to watch other films with the same genre type as mine.  
*We used Digital cameras to film our preliminary task and used I-movie to edit it. This gave us experience when it came to filming the actual thing. 

3 examples of new media technology my group used during our production process:

*We used digital video cameras to film most of our scenes and then we watched back the footage that we had filmed.
*We also used a DSLR camera to take photos of an attack scene we have in our film. 
*We used the internet/ my Blackberry phone to contact our cast to let them know of any changes if there were any.

3 examples of new media technology my group used during the post production process:

*We edited the movie clips and sound using computer software for example I-movie and garage band.
*We searched for and downloaded copyright free sound effects for particular scenes in our film, then edited these into our opening sequence. 
*We used Youtube to upload our film 

Tuesday 13 March 2012


Josef Engl, Hans Vogt and Josef Engl patented the "Tri Ergon" process. In 1922, this process announced the development of glow lamp light modulator for variable density recording of sound.

1933: King Kong was released and made sound history. Murray Spivak designed the sound of the movie.

1990: Kodak introduced Cinema Digital Sound with the premiere of Dick Tracy.

1993: 2 new Digital Sound formats were released as DTS and SDDS. Digital Theatre systems and Sony Dynamic Digital Sound.

Digital audio workstations- sufficient for use in the film production. They have the ability to synchronise with picture. Its electronic system is designed solely or primarily for recording, editing and playing back digital audio. During the production the sound crew uses audio technology to meet their goal of consistency and clarity of dialogue. DAW's were originally tape less, microprocessor based systems.
Modern DAW's are softwares which run on computers with audio interface hardware.

Technological developments in recording and editing have transformed in record, movie and television industries in recent decades. Audio editing became practicable with the invention of magnetic tape recording but digital audio (cheap mass storage) allows computers to edit audio files quickly and cheaply.

The most modern method of recording sound on a film print is by stereo variable-area (SVA) recording, encoding a two-channel audio signal as a pair of lines running parallel with the film's direction of travel through the projector.
Sound-on-film refers to a class of sound film processes where the sound accompanying picture is physically recorded onto photographic film. Sound-on-film processes can either record an analog sound track or digital sound track, and may record the signal either optically or magnetically. Earlier technologies were sound-on-disc, meaning the film's soundtrack would be on a separate phonograph record.

Edge of a 35mm film print showing the soundtracks. The outermost strip (left of picture) contains the SDDS track as an image of a digital signal; the next contains the perforations used to drive the film through the projector, with the Dolby Digital track between them. The two tracks of the analog soundtrack on the next strip are bilateral variable-area, where amplitude is represented as a waveform. At present, these are generally encoded using Dolby Stereo matrixing to simulate four tracks. Finally, to the far right, the timecode used to synchronize with a DTS soundtrack CD is visible.

Monday 12 March 2012

Brands that could be used for contraband

Phones- Samsungs and Nokias

Cars- Audis, BMW and Jeeps

Laptop- Apple, HP or Dell

Ipad or Ipods

Maybe designer clothes- Nike trainers, Adidas top etc

Maybe beer- Bottled; Budweiser, Becks etc

The audience theory which may apply to the concepts of synergy and convergence is the Hypodermic Needle Model.

Friday 2 March 2012

Contraband research- Working Title Films

What is the genre of Contraband
Action, Crime and Drama

Who stars in Contraband
Mark Wahlberg, Giovanni Ribisi and Kate Beckinsale 

Who directed Contraband?
Baltasar Kormakur 

What is the estimated budget for the film?$25,000,000

In it's opening weekend, which chart position did it reach in the US Box Office?
 Number 1. 

What is the estimated Box Office Takings for the opening weekend?
How many screens was it shown on in the US?


Which other production companies did Working Title work with to produce the film? (You should also know and say what this type of production is called)
Universal Pictures (presents)
Relativity Media (in association with)

Working Title Films (as Working Title)
Blueeyes Productions (in association with)
Leverage Management (as Leverage)
Closest to the Hole Productions
Farraday Films
Leverage Entertainment
Studio Canal

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Production, Distribution and Exhibition

News corp own a number of companies such as 20th Century Fox. Three other companies that they own that could be used to market or exhibit a new film realised by 20th Century Fox in the UK;

*BSkyB- They could use Sky TV movie channels to show trailers for the film and interviews with the main characters to attract people to watch it.

*Sunday Times- This newspaper can be used to advertise posters for the film as well as reviews and written stories about the cast and the film.

*Myspace- This website could be used as a promotive tool; to show trailers of the film. It could also be used for viral marketing campaigns.

Friday 24 February 2012

Mass Audience

Some media texts I consume are films such as dance films, Magazines such a Look, Facebook which is a social network site and the TV, normally soaps. I use these because I find them interesting and because normally I have nothing else/better to do. I read magazines and use the internet for entertainment as well as for social reasons.

I have been influenced by the media a number of times. For example, film trailers have influenced me to watch films such as The Vow. The storyline attracted me and the emotion that it left me with made me want to see it even more. The media has made me form a different opinion on Katie Price as she used to be my idol and she inspired me but how the media has portrayed her, it has made me think negatively of her and changed my thoughts and feelings about her as a person.

I believe that audiences are easily influenced by the media as they are very persuasive and engage a lot of people.